Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Softbox.

 So, I got my new 24" x 24" handy dandy softbox in the mail the other day and did some test shots with it. I like it. I can fold it up to almost nothing to carry it around for location stuff.

 Shot with a Canon 40D and a 50mm 1.8 lens.

This is Rick, I made him volunteer for a few shots today..heh. Does he look thrilled or what?

 You an achieve some dramatic photos with a single light and no reflector.

 I did this one in B&W, mainly because of the ripples in his shirt and his expression.

Here's a couple of more in color and a little bit of a different angle.

 I used a small reflector on this one to put a little fill on his left side.

Here's one of my next door neighbor..another "volunteer" heh. His wife didn't want anything to do with it..typical. I would have had to wait for right mood. Most guys don't give a crap.

Till next time..

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