Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This was a few years ago.

I was shooting at SSB in Murells Inlet one night and turned around saw these two.

Thumb In The Photo

We've probably all heard the old adage about the guy or girl that says, "I'm not a good photographer because I always seem to take a picture of my thumb!" I've actually done that before and I did it again today!

 In truth, my camera strap started blowing in the wind...I caught it and snapped a shot.  heh.

No Darts

 Playing around with the cheap little 50mm 1.8 some more. My friend Stan and I went to McGoo's for some wings today and I brought along a camera. His phone rang and I went off to wander around to find something interesting to shoot a photo of.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

You can't help but to be drawn to the dart boards at McGoo's since they pretty much take up an entire wall there. heh. At f 1.8, you have a very small depth of field unless you get a good ways back. I focused in on the red board that the dart board is mounted on  and you can see that the face of the dart board is a tiny bit soft. It's a fun lens.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Table Painting

The girls next door decided to paint the old table that I gave them years ago.. back when Hunter Green and Antique White were fashionable and they were just little kids. 

Pink and white are the flavors this time around and whatever else might tickle their fancys before its all said and done.

I kinda wish they left it like it was..not for the colors I had painted, but because of the things they had scribbled on it over the years and the scuffs and so on. heh.

I shot these full format with a 50mm prime f1.8 @ f1.8. That lens can be a bugger to focus at that wide aperture, but it's worth the sometimes sorta surreal look that it has.

Smokey And The Request

  I got a request for a yellow smokey photo.

 You can't get a lot of contrast out of a bright yellow subject on a pure white background..so..it's almost yellow. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

smokey blog

When you combine bad weather, no work because of bad weather and boredom because of bad weather..well sometimes you just have to get some matches and a camera out and be creative. heh

Click on the photo for a larger size.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Wonder how today's earthquake started?

As soon as this young fella flexed..everything began to shake.  heh.

Except for cleaning up his face a bit..there's no "photoshopping" done..handheld  with a shutter speed of 1.3 seconds..f22 at twilight..with enough tilted up flash to "freeze" the upper body 

My Favorite Model

Taylor was always fun and sometimes unpredictable in a good..heck..great way. I always loved it when we would do a shoot. I'll post out take stuff of her from time to time. She 's great.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cheapie Brolly-Brella try out.

So, I got to try out a cheapie ebay brolly - umbrella today. It's ok. I don't think it's anything that I would buy. I think it cost $25 plus shipping. Used an old White Lightning Ultra 600 (300 w/secs)  Got the girls next door to be my guinea pigs. heh

Sunday, August 21, 2011

interesting (to me) odds and ends.

Just a few photos that I had floating around in my blog folder.

Light Fizz
This was a test for another project for another day.

21st Ave. Beach Bums
Actually it was shot from a 4th level parking garage  that is on the corner of 21st Ave. N.   

Two Lounger Blues

Shot at a close angle to the window from the 15th floor of the Breakers Resort in Myrtle Beach. 

Have fun.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Speedy Wedding,

The wedding shoot that I had today probably broke a speed record. If the ceremony lasted 5 minutes I would be surprised.

Hang on..gonna check my EXIF info....hah 4 minutes! From the time the father gave the bride away to the declaration of man and wife and the kiss..4 minutes. If you add the parade of the bridesmaids, flower girl and the father and bride to and from...8 minutes total! heh. So it took as long for them to walk there as it took for the bride and groom to get married. Nice young couple though. It was fun and actually laid back.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beach Morning Blue

   Samson & Goliath is how I refer to shooting against the morning sun and it can be tricky. Along the way I forgot about the glare on the man's glasses. Oh well..it's 6:30 in the morning...I've never really cared for coffee either. heh.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teen Age Icon

I had this kid and his parents out on the beach doing some (high school) senior photos about a month ago. The kid wanted a shot with his new sun glasses and his shirt off - I suppose as to impress the girls..heh. It turned out good.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Girls Fast Pitch

I've been working a big girl's fast pitch softball tournament this week. 

These are a few of my favorites from the past couple of days.

It's been nice to do some sport shooting again. I enjoy this stuff.